Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Is Insight Learning?

By an eHow Contributor
I want to do this! What's This?

Insight learning involves a sudden realization distinct from cause-and-effect problem solving. Insight learning manifests as a spontaneous occurrence, and is a noteworthy phenomenon in the learning process. Insight learning can also be described as "an epiphany" and "eureka."

The Anatomy of Insight Learning
1. The experience of insight learning often involves three factors:
1. Seemingly all possible problem-solving attempts have been exhausted and are unsuccessful.
2. Ongoing attempts to solve an apparently unsolvable problem eventually end.
3. A perfect solution to the problem is suddenly realized in a spontaneous way.
Wolfgang Köhler
2. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Wolfgang Köhler was a psychologist who conducted experiments in which insight learning was observed in animal behavior. Wolfgang Köhler's research significantly contributed to the understanding of insight learning.
Animal Behavior Studies
3. According to Wolfgang Köhler's experiments, insight learning is observable when studying problem-solving behavior in chimpanzees. In one experiment, after a chimpanzee was given two short sticks with a banana set out of reach, insight learning eventually occurred. After unsuccessfully attempting to reach the banana with the short sticks, the hungry chimpanzee gave up. However, the chimpanzee later accidentally discovered that the sticks could be joined together to form one longer stick. Just then, a spark of insight revealing a solution manifested, allowing the chimpanzee to successfully reach the banana.
4. Another noteworthy term that describes insight learning is "epiphany." Epiphanies involve a sudden revelation or abrupt awareness bringing seemingly chaotic data into symmetry. Experiencing an epiphany is often associated with the feeling of having a sudden leap of understanding. The opposite of insight learning would be insight achieved through a gradual building up of knowledge leading to a successful solution.
5. Insight learning also involves the "I have found it!" feeling or "eureka," a Greek word representing this affirmation. Insight learning is also expressed as the "Aha moment," accompanying the sensation of suddenly knowing something after the disenchantment of being uninformed

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